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  • 江西自考网> 试题题库列表页> Now doctors can successfully cure stomach ulcers.


    卷面总分:100分     试卷年份:2023.04    是否有答案:    作答时间: 120分钟   

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    Now doctors can successfully cure stomach ulcers.

    • A、True

    • B、False

    • C、Not Given

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    更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:

    If a person's family has had an ulcer, he is three times more likely to get ulcer than people

    without a family history of ulcers.

    • A、True

    • B、False

    • C、Not Given

    According to the passage, performers could best meet their obligation to composers by doing which of the following?

    • A、Taking courses in art appreciation.

    • B、Knowing how the music was intended to be performed.

    • C、Studying works written at different periods in history.

    • D、Rearranging musical scores for their particular instrument.


    Problems Caused by Using Computers

    Long hours at the screen can cause     41    (ache) eyes,     42   (blur) vision and headaches,  experts say. In fact, eyestrain surpasses even wrist pain as the top physical  ___43__ (complain) among heavy computer users. When peering into the computer screen, the eye's focusing muscle is at constant tension. Like any muscle, it feels sore when  ____44___(overload) . And when someone spends a lot of time looking at something close, the eye muscle can get  ____45___(stick) on the near-focus setting and have difficulty relaxing, leaving the person    46    (temporary) nearsighted, a condition called accommodative spasm (痉挛) that can last seconds or hours. The letters on the screen are not as clearly  ____47___(define) as on a printed page. Take a magnifying glass to your monitor and you'll see the letters. each made up of pinpoint sources of light, have no sharp edges. But those liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors, like those found on laptop computers, are    48    (easy) on the eyes be-cause they display sharper images. And studies have shown that when people are working on a computer, their rate of  ____49___ (blink) goes down by two-thirds, which can result in dry, stinging eyes. This is especially a problem for contact-lenses    50    (wear) . 






